Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CD15 - AF just won't go away.

Going to see the RE on Friday. Not my RE b/c he's on vaca...but an RE. 15 days and still bleeding this is not normal for me. In all my abnormal AF history w/ PCOS this has NEVER happened to me. A week, 8 days...but 15 is just too much. And it's evil comes and goes. Monday night it was almost gone but I woke up yesterday full of blood. It went away during the morning but came back in the bed time it was almost gone and there was barely nothing there this morning...but it just came back again about two hours ago TMI (lining and all). I'm scared....I am wondering if it's endo and all kinds of things.


Happy said...

I hope not! Sending good vibes your way.

I Believe in Miracles said...

Good luck with the RE! I just talked to a friend last night with PCOS and she had weird spotting for a long time too. Ended up back on BC. Keep us posted...

Liz said...

sounds wrong, glad you are getting it checked out.

Unknown said...

Thinking of you! Glad you are going to the RE!!!
