So, DH didn't want me to buy test, b/c the RE said to wait 8 more days. Well, while in the $store the other day I said I was going to buy some so that I could see when the HCG booster left. DH was totally against it. So what does a POAS addict do to get her fix. She tells DH after work yesterday to take her to the $store. So he goes to find a parking and I say why are you parking you don't have to come in. LOL He was happy enough so he just waited curbside. I went in and bought 5 test and hurried and put them in the back seat.
What happens when you POAS with a $store cheapie @ 8DPIUI aka 2DP2500IU of HCG, you ask?!!? You get the faintest of faint lines. That's good right...that means it is leaving. PHEW!!! Now for the scary part, what if know...what if...that second line....doesn't show back up???!!!??? I am so scared.
On the boob front, still got some soreness, not as much as the past two days. The extra soreness could have been b/c of the booster shot.
My next test, will I get a 'Period Pimple' tomorrow. During June and July's 2ww, I got a pimple at 9DPO.
QUESTION~A Beta HCG is measured in mIU/ml and the HCG shot is measured in IU. So how many mIUs are in an IU?? Would 2500IU = 25mIU??
wow, that is a great question. I never have thought of it like that. Ummmmmmm I would say that you are right though, just by math rules. I am so happy for you and I am sure that you 2 lines are coming realllllllly soon.
No idea about the numbers. But hopefully this is just a bl;ip with all those chemicals racing round your body.
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