Thursday, July 24, 2008

CD BUST aka CD 20

BUSTED!!! The word for this cycle. My follie is only 13mm (it should have been 20-21mm). My lining doubled from 6.6mm to 13mm. Is that why my AFs are so heavy and long?? The nurse told me to wait for AF and call for a CD2-4 scan to start injectibles. I have been fighting back tears since we left. But crying will not make it better. I asked her if I should even still do the OPKS…you know just in case…she said yes and if I get a surge to call for IUI. >sigh<

I will go put my head in an oven now....

This is for current chart. I am sorry, I don't know how to make your name a URL so people can link to it...nor do I know how to write chart and make the word chart my know??? Never mind I did it ...I think...WOOOT!!!! Nope I tried it an my chart is only showing my ticker...hmmm...ok got it!!!!! YAY!!


Jenni said...

okay so wait. I looked and hmmmmmm I don't normally O until cd 19 or 20 and you had a major dip and surge 2 days ago. Did the OPKs show anything? I am just wondering. I by no means am a doctor but I wouldn't be using the progesterone cream to bring on the AF just yet. Wait and see if your temps stay up for a couple more days. You never know. I was also wondering if your doctor mentioned another option to help the follies grow for low and slow induction? It looks like you have gotten lots of lovin so I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Oh and I started at the beginning of your blog and *sniff* I think it is great that you took on all of that responsibility. I am totally with you on the time frame. DH and I have been going to 12 years now. We are still hopeful though.

Thank you for the shout out! I love it. Have a great day and email me anytime.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog world!

I too have PCOS, but am on a self imposed break post miscarriage. I got pregnant with hopefully they will be your answer too! Good luck!!!

A Decade of BFNs said...

Is it proper Blog ettiquette to post a commment in my own comments if I am replying to a comment???

Well, poo if it isn't.

Jenni...My dip on the chart I believe 100% had to do w/ the air conditioning. I turned it down last night and got the higher temp today. So far I have had light second lines on my there has to be some LH in there right...Now, I know that PCOSers can have high LH, but I can asure you that I have gotten +++ OPKs in the past and totally rely on Answer dip sticks. I actually don't need Progesterone to bring on AF. I get it myself, but if my P4 isn't high enough I can spot for like a week before AF comes. Our other option during my next cycle will be injectibles..Folli*stim. I have faith for all us IFers. Technology is wonderful...we will have babies!!!!

I Believe in Miracles said...

welcome to the blogger world!! I am sorry that your journey has been so long, but it sounds like things are heading slowly in the right direction (with a couple detours).
Wishing you the best!

Jendeis said...

Hi, here from the Lost & Found. Sorry that AF seems to be approaching. It just stinks. Looking forward to following your journey.

Rian said...

Welcome to the blog world. I'm sorry your journey has been so hard and for your loss.

I have pcos and have been ttc over three years. After 4 losses I finally did an injectible IUI and got pg, now 25wks. So don't lose hope!!!!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogland! I've come over from Lost & Found. I'm a fellow PCOSer. It sounds like you have been through the trenches, but you're making progress. Now that you're with an RE, I hope that will speed things up. Best of luck!