Friday, July 25, 2008

CD eHHH Who Cares....

Thank you to all the commenters. I appreciate your words of encouragement and have added you all to my Goo*gle Reader. I hope to read your stories from the beginning.

So I did a Goo*gle search on Clo*mid Resist*ance and....came out with ....Dexa*methasome in use w/ Clo*mid Resist*ance.

A few links if you will...

IngentaConnect Infertility. Low-dose dexameth...

Investigation On The Effects Of Bromocriptine...

Adjunctive use of dexamethasome in Clomid res...

Clomiphene citrate and dexamethazone in treat...

So, I called my REs office to speak to the nice Nurse I saw yesterday. Of course she is the only one in the office today, so I will try back later in the afternoon.

You see, I can't afford injectibles. And although I work for the insurance company, the HMO plan I have does not cover IVF and injectibles. So it's oral meds and then the 900iu of donated Folli*stim and then I'm SOL! So, if I can convince them to try a round of the Clo*mid and DEX, that buys me another month w/o those lovely injectibles. I may even beg for a higher dos of Fem*ara at least once. Am I wasting my time?? Should I just hop on the injects wagon and hope for the best?? I would have no problem if I knew I would get more injects if it failed.

A lovely and thoughtful Cyster has a friend that may still have some left over Brav*elle, so I will also discuss that when I call the nurse back.

Eureka!! I found out how to get my prev temp back from my new thermometer. I just hold the button down and my current temp flashes and then the first ever temp flashes. I am so happy. I am thinking of know from down yonder next please if you have any advise or experience do share.

I have decided to turn the A/C as low as I can stand in hopes that I will not have all these extremely low temps. Sheesh my chart looked like a set of stairs.

Will update late w/ the convo I have w/ the nurse.

PS. If you have tried DEX - do tell.


Kristen said...

Thanks for the visit! Insurance can be frustrating sometimes-which I know you know first hand because you work there! Hopefully, you won't have to even think about the injectables! I've got my fingers crossed for you!

I Believe in Miracles said...

I've been temping for awhile now -- both on clomid and not. I have to admit, I just think my cycle is a bit screwy. The most I can tell is when I've actually ovulated and before, but on clomid I cannot tell when I'm about to ovulate. (if this at all makes sense)

Good luck with insurance woes! No expereince with the drug of choice...

BigP's Heather said...

I did clomid only for two cycles with my gyno. Then he sent me to the RE. I did six cycles of 150 mg clomid and 2mg dexamethasone. My lining was still on the thin side but everything else was beautiful. We did two IUIS with clomid and dexamethasone and two with the oral meds plus a couple of days of injecting gonal-F. Our fifth IUI we did just injectibles (just gonal-F and then ovidrel to trigger which all in all cost around $500 total) and that is when we got pregnant. I totally suspect my lining was the culprit.

CG said...

Here from L & F. Welcome to the IF blogging world. I do not have any advice regd dexamethasone but I am also clomid resistant and moving to injectbales next cycle. Good luck.